Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wise Biz Adds Sense to AdSense

It is about wise biz marketing as always stated in wise biz marketing blog. So, what the heck is in this post?

Some people have asked about whether they can use AdSense terms in their blogs file names or not. This is my answer:

I do not think that is a problem to brand AdSense blog name if that blog is not in blogger. I mean free blog and you do not have expenses or whatsoever.

Yes, there is a brand name for a product here, but not a brand name of a company. Concerning the sense of the law; you can find good advocate to defend this if any claims rise from this point.

Well, what do you think if I am about to register Can Google minds me using that domain? In this case my argument would be on what logic do they base their claims? And, since I am doing this to reflect the human nature of the AdSense; and to proof that it is not a money sucking system, which exploits the sweat of the mass to build its own empire; could there be any rejection from Google? No, I don't think so.

This logic belongs to the sense of creativity. Don't go and put for example, but use your brain to brainstorm even metaphoric gestures towards AdSense to keep your marketing wise biz marketing.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Wise Biz Categories

One friends asked about how to make articles links on his home page. The second asked about making categories on his blog. So, I say here: What you are thinking about isn’t what blogs supposed to do. However, if you need this you should think first of a kind of arrangement.

Something like to know the destinations of your extension URLs. Let's say that you've got a post at the home page of your blog post in this title: Last Dance and the URL to it is you'll probably know from this example each post in this month will just get similar extension file, with different title.

If you're supposed to post 20 posts on this month with different titles then their extensions will be something similar to this. I found it irritating this way, but I intended to do something similar at:

There's a lot of work to do here to arrange those extensions even without content first. Then add your content to them gradually when you post by clicking on each of them to re-edit it. This is a long journey though. If you're thinking of categories for example you can post as many categories as you like, like this. Then get back to them to re-edit and add content to the named category.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

That's Not Wise Biz Indeed

I've found out that some people are still to do their internet businesses wisely as without a sense of wise biz marketing they're just wasting their times.

It's really true to think out of the box, that not everybody is so interested or concerned about doing an online business. The second fact is that sending such online biz offers to some people without even consents will mark such kind of messages as spam.

It's true that unless those some people understand others' needs, no positive responses will be made. That's not wise biz indeed.

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