Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wise Biz is About Blogging Wise!

Tough week!

I am "mad serious" running this small Internet home-based business on a daily basis.

Last week I started my Website number... well, better not to say. That site is at: and I am glad to start it with Brave Net in which I am a member since almost 4 years.

I have of course some negative points about lots of free home-based business opportunities, but not Brave Net, and that's because Brave Net is an exceptional example.

I am sorry, that it takes me about 4 years to see this exception.

Oh, but what about blogger?

... I have not heard yet it's a home based business opportunity;-)

... but what to say more than, if there's no blogger those words will never see the light!

Million thanks are not enough.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Adsense and Adwords' Adstorm!

Google introduced "Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up" feature to maintain "Site Targeting" Google launched earlier this year.

According to Google, that's a new way of targeting ads to sites in the content net work, to offer advertisers more flexibility and publishers more ad inventory.

Through this feature the ad units will display an 'Advertise on this site' link that guides advertisers to create a Google AdWords ad automatically targeted to that specific site alone.

Google says publishers will not make any revenue from this new ad inventory; however the Adsense unit gives publishers more “click throughs”.

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