Sunday, February 26, 2006

Amazing Internet Small Home-Based Business Formula

After 8 years, thousands of customer emails, thousands of buyers in virtually every major city in the world (and many you haven't heard of), 13 web site designs, 4 productdesigns, after ebook and CD versions, after endorsements from major marketers the world over, after hundreds of marketers and products have come and gone, after attacks by the world's most notorious spammer, after attempts to put it under, there is ONE product that remains and stands tall.

There is one product that is stable.

There is one product that has stood the test of time. It is called "The Amazing Formula" because it really is.

In it you discover:
* The story behind the multi, multi-millionaire client I wrote sales letters for using "The Amazing Formula."
* My tested, proven formulas for generating traffic
* What to do tomorrow morning to sell your products
* Quick start plan
* How to get your bills paid each month using marketing
* How to troubleshoot products that don't sell

Not only does the formula STILL work, it works even better. And yes, it has been updated for 2006.


I'm still wondering. So, if you're like me, skip this post to read other posts below. But if you're curious and want to know how I understand messages like this one, fly to my Ezine Act Formula when you click on the title above, or the link below.

If you want to know what on Earth, sorry on the Internet, it is about read this article at:

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Professional Web Site Building and Promotion!

How to be your own web site building and promotion professional?

Professional web site building and promotion; how should they begin?

Search engine-promotion is nonsense without your own brainstorming tools!

When some people want to build a web site to do any kind of businesses online or to move an existing offline business to be online they do need more than a web-hosting and a domain packages.

They do need even more than professional web site promotion services to make every web page within their entire site high indexed by the most important search engines in the World.

Well, I am simply saying web-hosting is only (a commodity) as Ken Evoy put it.


Get anwers -

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How to Make Money Producing DISCOUNT Cards?

There is a big money business that can be started for next to nothing, with low risk, that involves giving away special cards. These cards are DISCOUNT CARDS, wallet-sized cards that allow the bearer to receive discounts at participating businesses.

These businesses pay to have their advertisement on the card. They profit from the increased exposure and from gaining new customers who come in for the discount and become return customers.

The card-holders benefit from the discounts they can receive. And YOU benefit from the profitable advertising you sell!

This is a relatively simple business to explain. Here's an overview:

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Information is a time-tested product that will continue to make money particularly now that we have so many options and the society we live in is constantly hungry for information.

Information about how to better our lives, particularly reports and other varieties of materials that show us ways to improve our livelihood, our careers and our way of life lead the list. These are the best items you can sell by mail.

BUT THINK ABOUT THIS: Marketable information need not always be in printed form. The electronic media, such as audio tapes, video tapes, and computer disks are taking over from what was once the exclusive domain of (paper and ink) printed materials.

Of course, you can still sell pre-written materials or very easily create your own. You can write an informational report in an hour that will create income for the rest of your life! The thing you need to know is...what is the best type of information to sell?

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