Monday, April 28, 2008


An AdWords advertisement brings my attention to some Ad Words headlines and phrases. The headline in that advert says, "Make $40.000 monthly" and the phrase of the advertising encourages people to use a system with a website to make that amount of income monthly.

I will highlight in this brief article two things:

The first thing is about such advertisement on the Ad Words and…

The second thing is about wasting money on dead advertisements.

This is what leads me to mention the Axiology of the Ad Words in the headline of my article. By using this title, I wanted to bring your attention to the arts of writing attractive ads. When you write attractive ads, you reflect convincing messages through the arts of the Ad Words itself. Therefore, I want to inspire you to write more credible and convincing ads.

Well, I will not speak about credibility here, but what I want to mention in this article is that some logical words are inviting to reflect more credibility and to convince people more to take action. I personally will not react to this kind of advertising at all. If you asked me why, I simply will answer, no one can make this amount monthly from the start of the system with its website.

The process of making such income monthly depends on a continuous work to update the grassroots levels of your foundation online. If you do not update the foundation at least weekly, your foundation ranks in the search engines will drop and no one will find you to make that amount of money monthly. Even the Ad Words itself will not help you if you do not use specific methods when you write your content and update your system.

Since the ads should be very brief using condensed words, which highlight possibilities of doing a thing to make such profit, it should be open to potentiality instead of stating and fixing a date. If I want to fix the date and gain credibility, I should slightly mention "a process" to follow to make that amount of money monthly.

These words prove that the advertiser has written that ad either in a hurry or without a revision to eliminate non-convincing words from the ad. Therefore, he is wasting his money on unproductive ads. That ad needs only little efforts of revision to generate confidence and reactions.

If we get from this point to the alphabet of the AdWords, which makes its arts and axiology, as I have mentioned in the title of this article, you and I should consider thinking about the elixir of the AdWords. Moreover, we should of course think of ways to help that elixir evaporates to attract more noses to the destiny of the elixir.

According to this philosophy of the AdWords, I consider it an advertising process made easy by Google purposely to change even the invaluable materials into gold. I know this point of view is arguable. However, we saw already some successful people who used this medium to change simple materials that has no luck of values to gold. More… Press the headline.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Webmastering Axiology

I began to think about "Webmastering Ax-io-log-y" and how to prevent webmasters from stealing your traffic, actually after I have discovered by accident that one webmaster uses "... ... ..." at Wordpress seeding articles from other articles' directories without giving links back to writers.

He may consider this act a lazy way to make money online. He intentionally uses seeds of my articles in different pages, monetizes those pages by AdSense and directs traffic to those articles directories, but not a single link to my website. This appears to be discrimination too.

Well, articles' writing is one of the most vital promotions to attract free traffic to your website and monetizing it. If some webmasters use those articles or any seeds of them without linking back to your website, that means they steal your traffic daily and you lose some dollars daily.

So, what should you do to prevent webmasters form stealing your traffic?

If you are writing articles to some articles directories, you should check frequently to see if other webmasters abide by the publishing guidelines-ethics. You will absolutely discover some of them who do not care about you more than they care about their personal profits from your work. It is very sad to discover such non-ethical behaviours there.

I am doing this articles-check frequently and I have found some webmasters doing that unfortunately. Those elites of webmasters do not even have direct contact information to let people reach them, expressing such bad behaviours, and they are protecting themselves from being blocked by other people.

I think articles directories will be soon lacking articles if some webmasters continue stealing other webmasters’ traffic and monetizing them by AdSense. Therefore, those articles directories should be the first to complain and block such bad behaviours, protecting their sources of fluent income too.

Since there is no direct strong process to block other webmasters who are stealing your articles, it is better to stop writing articles to articles directories. Write your articles on your own website and monetize them.

It is a good idea to schedule searching for those who possibly have stolen your articles monthly. To do this job just type your articles' headlines, or your name on Google/Yahoo/MSN, Live search. Check your articles at some websites on the result pages to see if they have abided already by the publishing guidelines or not.

When you discover any kind of violations to the articles' publishing guidelines, do one-two-three of the following six prevention's procedures to prevent webmasters from stealing your traffic as needed:

  1. Contact the webmaster through his/her contact information or any form on the mentioned blog and request him/her to remove your content.

  2. If there is no any way to contact him/her find them through, get their contact information and request them to remove your articles.

  3. If they hide their contact information from, look for comments fields on their Blogs to send your message.

  4. If there is none, do a search for the host server and contact the host telling them of violations to publishing copyrights.

  5. Contact advertisers on their Blogs. You may find most of them monetizing your articles by AdSense, so contact the AdSense support team at Google.

  6. Avoid pointing them out on visible media as this could give them more exposure.

Who's Khalid Osman?

Do you know who Khalid Osman is?

If you know, write a brief bio of Khalid Osman in the Professional People I Know form here. Hey, you can write about those you know by this name too. Provide full names, professional career insights and work experiences.

One of the most useful and elegant gestures some generous people use while reading useful articles is to support those articles' directories, or those intended to build articles' directories. Since it is simple and does not take much time, we at "Axiology" page encourage you to use one of the different ways in the support section to support us.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Alexa Proves Inaccuracy in Tracking

I am criticizing Alexa again, because Alexa seems not accurate until this moment when providing some information about some websites with good link popularity. Alexa endorses only sites they like. I am saying this because I alone am building more than 13,000 links to my Ezine Act sites. However, Alexa says there are only 36 sites that link to mine. I do not know why they are hiding information about those sites they exclude from their link popularity.

Ranking those sites in Alexa seems fashionable to reach a criterion that no body knows about.

For example, the Ezine Act sites in have more than those linking sites Alexa has mentioned. More links go also through network. More links also appear in the distribution process of Bloglog network also shares considerable numbers of linking to the Ezine Act sites.

Google hides tracking links to the same site. Yahoo appears sometime accurate and sometime not. The completely irritating results seem not true. I am actually the only person that knows how many links I have there.

Is there any wise biz in this matter?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are You Curious? Have a Wise Biz Glimpse!

I have posted a letter to my Wise Biz team network at the Ezine Act. Nevertheless, the message is for my team network, but you can read it too. Who knows, you may find something interesting there too! Give it a glimpse!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Best Wolfenstein 3D's Tactics

These are better tactics to follow when playing Wolfenstein 3D. I hope you find them useful. If you have more tactics, use the comment form on my Ezine Act Blog to bring them in.

Always use Mao-Tse-Tung's tactics when you face lot of enemies. Strike hard and escape as quickly as possible to perplex the enemies. When you open a door, do not stand there on the entrance to face fires from the enemies. Open the door and then retreat fast. In most cases, you will hear a warning that the enemies' guards already occupy the area and they recognized you as invading enemy. If you do not hear the voice-alarm, use the up and down arrows to discover how many of the enemies are there.

When you retreat do not retreat steady backwards, instead retreat back to the left or to the right by pressing the back and (left or right) arrows. This tactic enables you to take good position ready to shoot any enemy when he gets out.

When you found yourself in front of enemies with advanced weapons, do not shoot them standing on their faces, instead shoot while you are retreating a distance from them.

Do not face and shoot many enemies in a location unless you have good weapons and good health. Even with good weapons and good health, it is better to attract them out one by one from their locations.

When you attract them out of their locations stand a distance far from the door to the left or the right.

Shoot the first one that appears at the door exactly to keep the door open. This enables you to see how many enemies remain inside and use tactics to invade or attract them out.

When you invade a location, search for secret doors on the walls using the up arrow and space.

When you found a secret door, expect enemies hidden there. Therefore, do not rush to enter. Use the up (forward) and back (down) arrows to discover if there are enemies there inside the secret location.

When you found the machinegun do not take it if your bullets rate is at 99 only. It sends more bullets when you shoot, so you will lose more of your bullets and found yourself with none to face other enemies. Always upgrade your pistol to the second advanced weapon and play with it for long as you could.

Do not face enemies with missiles without a heavy weapon. However, always hide yourself behind objects or doors to some levels to shoot them when they are at sight. (See example) If there is a hidden location, you have opened before near the targeted location, withdraw to it and face the entrance to hunt the enemy one by one. Chances are that they will pass it without noticing it until you shoot the first one or couple.

Do not face an enemy if you ran out of bullets and missiles. Your army knife will not heart them all and they will finish you before you did. Instead, search for ammunition. However, you can face one-two soldiers with your army knife only if your health is good, (e.g. above 70%)

It is a good idea not to face enemies occupied with heavy weapons either if your health dropped under 20%. However, you can face a soldier in this situation only if you consider that you can shoot first from a good position.

Well, using the arrows and other elements on your keyboard is something to consider checking when you open your games folder. You can arrange this process from the unzipped files when you click on them to play. The screen will display all the features before you start playing. Use the arrows to scroll to where you read "Control". Scroll to "Customize Controls" and "Key" and then to "Board" where you can arrange the usage of your arrows.

Think this article is good, or/and it however lacks more games' playing tactics? Why not comment or bring your ideas in for people to read, enjoy and appreciate?

Think playing games a waste of time! Why not read serious content instead, about politics, or business or love or arts and literature at the Ezine Act Blog?

About the author:

Khalid Osman is a teacher; a journalist and a webmaster.

Who's Khalid Osman?
Do you know who Khalid Osman is?

If you know, write a brief bio of Khalid Osman in the Professional People I know blog here. Hey, you can write about those you know by this name too, since there are many people called, Khalid Osman there. Provide full names, professional career insights and work experiences.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Axiology of the AdWords!

An AdWords advertisement brings my attention to some AdWords headlines and phrases. The headline in that advert says, “Make $40.000 monthly” and the phrase of the advertising encourages people to use a system with a website to make that amount of income monthly.

I will highlight in this brief article two things:

The first thing is about such advertisement on the AdWords and…

The second thing is about wasting money on dead advertisements.

This is what leads me to mention the Axiology of the AdWords in the headline of my article. The meaning of the headline can possibly reflect the arts of the AdWords too and inspire you to write more credible and convincing ads.

Well, I will not speak about credibility here, but what I want to mention in this article is that some logical words are inevitable to reflect more credibility and to convince people more to take action. I personally will not react to this kind of advertising at all. If you asked me why, I simply will answer, no one can make this amount monthly from the start of the system with its website.

The process of making such income monthly depends on a continuous work to update the grassroots of your foundation online. If you do not update the foundation at least weekly, your foundation ranks in the search engines will drop and you will not be found to make that amount of money monthly. Even the AdWords itself will not help you if you do not update your system.

Since the ads should be very brief condensed words, which highlight possibilities of doing a thing to make such profit, it should be open to potentiality instead of stating and fixing a date. If I want to fix the date and gain credibility, I should slightly mention “a process” to follow to make that amount of money monthly.

These words prove that the advertiser has written that ad either in a hurry or without a revision to eliminate non-convincing words from the ad. Therefore, he is wasting his money on unproductive ads. That ad needs only little efforts of revision to generate confidence and reactions.

If we get from this point to the alphabet of the AdWords, which makes its arts and axiology, as I have mentioned in the title of this article, you and I should consider thinking about the elixir of the AdWords and of course of ways to help that elixir evaporates to attract more noses to the destiny of the elixir.

According to this philosophy of the AdWords, I consider it an advertising process made easy by Google purposely to change the invaluable materials to gold. I know this point of view is arguable. However, we saw already some successful people who used this medium to change simple materials that has no luck of values to gold. For example… Read more at the Ezine Act site when you click on the headline above. Enter the headline into site-search to locate the article or just add adwords.html to the full URL.

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