Sunday, January 14, 2007

Strategic Linking

I consider strategic linking to Google beats weak performance. Is it true? What do you think? Your opinion counts. And you have got some gifts for it at the link at the headline.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

AdSensonic Wise Biz

You're welcome to AdSensonia. Join this group below and let's get together to develop it.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Wise Biz Marketing Quiz

I have got a question for you if you're an AdSense publisher.

Do you think you're sharing your referrals' earnings with those ISPs you're using to know Google, get in touch or access its programs? It depends on your location too. I hope I am wrong. Is there anyone from India, Brazil, Ghana, Zambia, Lebanon, Sudan, Morocco, and Malaysia for example who has received $1 for Firefox download?

Replying to these questions will help you learn more and acquire different methods to monetize both your website and your AdSense. How? Well, when you reply by pressing on comment I'll receive your comment first before getting it published here. At that level, I'll receive your e-mail too if you typed it down in your comment. While your comment will go live, your e-mail address will never follow it and will never be exposed. At that level, when I receive your email address, I'll reply to you personally and show you how to acquire different methods to monetize both your website and your AdSense.

This is a very wise biz marketing indeed.

Is this Letter Wise Biz Marketing?

I have received this letter from one of those million Dollars habits' creators and I would like to ask you your impression about it. What do you think about it? Is it wise biz marketing? Please do comment and I'll reward you by the following "Thank You" Gifts below the following message I am talking about:

[4 Multi-Millionaire Giants Reveal Their Secrets...
Three World Renowned Money-Wealth Masters join me to expose the truth about how to ultimately Stop Working, Relax and Enjoy The Fruits of your Labor.]

Comment to help me see the light;-) is it true? How? Is it wise biz marketing?

When you comment please get to to receive your "Thank You" Gifts. You'll need a password to access your "Thank You" Gifts, so enter "Thank You" as your password.

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