Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Inside Secrets of FREE Publicity

Product publicity is the "secret pathway" to business success everyone wants. In simple terms, product publicity is a kind of advertising that costs you nothing, yet brings in the orders for you.

Regardless of what kind of business you are operating, you should want, and strive for, as much publicity for your business and your products or services, as possible. After all, it's "free advertising" that is essential to the growth of your business. However, your publicity efforts should be well thought out, and pre-planned for maximum results.

The first, and basic form of obtaining publicity is through what is known as the press or news release. This is generally a one page story about your business, your product/service or an event happening related to your business that is about to, or has recently occurred. These publicity stories are generally "shotgunned" to all the various media: local newspapers, radio and TV, and trade publications.

Problem number one is getting the people to whom you've sent these publicity stories, to use them, publish or broadcast them. And this leads us back to the "right way" of writing them and sending them in.

There are some more ideas when you click on the title.

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