Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Protect Your Traffic!

There are some proven methods to Protect Your Traffic. However, some bad guys will always be after you to steal your traffic. As bad guys exist in natural cases in life, the internet is not exceptional medium. I have some interesting stories with some guys who steal my traffic intentionally because they belong to that medium of racism.

I know this by profession, and I know that even I cannot stop it; I should continue fighting the bad winds when they blow my direction. At this level, I will post some stories about some bad guys who steal your traffic and even send you Viruses, Malware and Phishing emails to ripe you off.

I will highlight at the same time useful methods to prevent stealing your traffic. If you found some more useful methods to prevent stealing your traffic, feel free to drop them in your input when you use the guestbook.

The relevant articles are published on three websites/Blogs and platforms. Start with the link at the headline and then get to those links below.

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