Timothy L. Drobnick Sr. is still to continue his efforts marketing very wise. Remember this blog is about biz marketing, or by other word business marketing, or I can say too biz biz marketing. If you want to go with such rhythm call it biz biz marketing biz.
So, Timothy L. Drobnick Sr. is doing that wise biz marketing since 6 years according to when I've heard of him. That time there was a Going Platinum network which started as it says as "a full-service ISP, Internet Gateway, Search Engine/Directory, Shopping Mall, Virtual Office, and just about anything else you can think of, all rolled into one easy-to-use site." It wrought prodcasting news too.
Nowadays you cannot access that website there had been for 5 years ago. There're other "going platinum" websites and gate-ways.
I don't know what has happened to Timothy there but...
Every time and then Timothy L. Drobnick Sr. comes with a new store. The recent one is a dedicated server manager store. Visitors will see some photos of Timothy L. Drobnick Sr. on some products.
I feel the person is sincere and honest but...
I don't know what this new store is selling and how a person could profit from it.
Tim says: This is an amazing online retail store that is better than some businesses that charge thousands of dollars to build for you.
* Your store is stocked with thousands of items.
* You are provided with your own private website.
* You are provided with check or credit card acceptance.
* The company stocks and ships the products for you.
* You never need to touch the products.
* The company takes the customer payments for you.
Now, you do not receive just a commission, you get all the profit! Most of the products cost very little so you will make 60% to 80% on all the products mailed to you in a monthly commission check.
As an example, I purchased 2 violins, one for myself and one for my son. I was a concert master and also played with the local symphony orchrestra. I can tell you that the 2 violins I purchased were just as good as the $3,000.00 violin I purchased about 10 years ago.
The violin retails for $400 in your store, a very good price. But guess what my cost was? Only $75.00!
Not only can you make good profits on all these thousands of products, but you can purchase them at your cost and save a bundle.
Until this point I could possibly say, it's still to market wise biz; it's still to get a biz marketing in style and know exactly what to do, how to do it, why for you should do it and when?
I think when it comes to what's more practical we should think twice. I found the link at the headline critical...though it has nothing to do with the name. I suggest to my friend to get to it too.
What do you think about this post. What Timothy "thinkth"?